Color At Length Design BriefSmall_Page_06.jpg

Packaging & Display

Packaging & Display Design

Designed all branding, packaging and displays for each line/product shown below.  Azhelle utilized Adobe Illustrator to design the logos and packaging before mocking up samples for product presentations to potential buyers.

Designed Button Artist, Creature Features, and DIY Wall Clock brand and packaging for Blumenthal Lansing Co.

Designed Click-eez logo, POP & Endcap Display and Packaging for Lernell Co.

String Lights Packaging Designed For Amscan / Party City

Designed product and packaging concepts for Blumenthal Lansing Co.

Exhibition Design

Color At Length exhibition concept designed for the Hall of Science. Programs used: 3D Studio Max, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign.